Saturday, April 6, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday!

Today I am trying a blog hop, hosted by Alison can read and Parajunkee. The question this week is:

Did you ever read a book that you thought you would hate? Did you end up hating it? Did you end up loving it? Or would you never do that?

Yes, I have definitely done this! I am usually a girl that likes the classics, so I was not too interested in all of the hype around the Twilight series. A friend ended up gifting the first book to me, and I decided to give it a quick browse. Ha ha! I could not put it down! Some of my fellow book lovers have given me a little bit of a hard time for this, but I am not ashamed! :)



  1. I have yet to try the Twilight series but I may have to. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following you!

  2. I enjoyed the Twilight Saga too, couldn't put it down. Thanks for stopping by my FF :)
